User agreement

This document "User Agreement" is an offer of Vestnx Global (hereinafter - the Company ), to conclude an agreement on the conditions set forth below.

  1. General Provisions
    1. In this document and the resulting or related relationship of the parties, the following terms and definitions apply:
      1. Company - Limited Liability Company "Vestnx Investment"
      2. Agreement - this document "User Agreement" with all additions and changes.
      3. Company site - Internet sites hosted in the and its subdomains.
      4. Platform - software and hardware integrated with the company's website .
      5. User - a capable individual who acceded to this Agreement in his own interest or acting on behalf of and in the interests of the legal entity he represents.
      6. Service - a set of services and a license provided to the User using the Platform .
    2. Your use of the Service in any way and in any form within its declared functionality, including:
      • viewing materials posted on the Site,
      • registration and / or authorization on the Site ,
      • interaction with any elements of the site, including but not limited to such as: links, buttons, forms,
      creates a contract under the terms of this Agreement in accordance with the provisions of UK law.
    3. By using any of the above options for using the Service, you confirm that:
      • Read the terms of this Agreement in full before using the Service .
      • You accept all the terms of this Agreement in full without any exceptions and restrictions on your part and agree to comply with them or stop using the Service . If you do not agree with the terms of this Agreement or do not have the right to conclude an agreement on their basis, you should immediately stop any use of the Service .
      • The Agreement (including any of its parts) can be changed by the Company without any special notice. The new version of the Agreement comes into force from the moment it is posted on the Company's website or brought to the attention of the User in another convenient form, unless otherwise provided by the new edition of the Agreement .
  2. License
    1. The Company reserves all rights, including intellectual property rights, to the Platform , Site and any materials published on the Site .
    2. All materials posted on the Site are protected by the worldwide copyright convention. The authorship of the information that is published on the Site is either assigned to the Companies or indicated in the published material.
    3. Any use of information from the Site is possible only with a valid link to the page that is the source of information, which is part of the Company's Site .
    4. Control over activities in the financial markets, including the activities of the Company , is carried out by the state financial regulator under the laws of the country of registration of the online exchange or other financial platform. In disputes between the User and the Company, the financial regulator may act as a third party in resolving the dispute.
  3. Terms of use of the site
    1. The use of the functionality of the Service is allowed only after the User passes registration and authorization on the Site in accordance with the procedure established by the Company.
    2. The technical, organizational and commercial conditions for using the Service , including its functionality, are brought to the attention of the Users by posting them separately on the Site or by notifying the Users .
      1. Personal notifications can be sent to the User by e-mail and / or through other means of communication using the contact information specified by the User.
      2. Using the Site from the moment the notice was posted or 48 hours after the successful sending of the personal notice means that the User has read the information from the notice.
    3. The username and password chosen by the User are necessary and sufficient information for the User to access the Site . The user does not have the right to transfer his login and password to third parties, he bears full responsibility for their safety, independently choosing the way of their storage.
    4. The user at the time of registration must be of legal age (at least 18 years old). Otherwise, the use of the functionality of the Service is allowed only with the written consent of the User's parents or guardians.
    5. To improve the quality of use of the Service, the Company may collect and store additional technical data of the User sent to the server of the Company by the User's browser, such as: IP address, country and region of authorization to the account, data about the device and browser, etc.
    6. To improve the functionality of the Site and personalize the content, the Platform uses cookies that are placed on your device. You can disable the use of cookies in your browser, however, in this case, the Company cannot guarantee that a visit to the Site will be as successful as when receiving cookies.
    7. It is forbiden to use any software and hardware to harm the Platform and/or the Site, and it is also forbiden for Users to use one payment account to replenish different accounts for the purpose of financial fraud and/or obtaining illegal benefits.
  4. Account Terms of Use
    1. Registration and use by the User of only one personal account is allowed. If the User uses several personal accounts, the Company has the right to impose penalties, restrict or prohibit the access of all User accounts to use the functionality of the Service without prior warning.
    2. The use of the account for financial purposes is allowed only after the User has been verified. The Company has the right to limit the functionality of the Service for unverified accounts.
    3. Account management can be carried out by the User and / or a certified employee of the Company when the User contacts the customer support service or a representative of the Company in a different way, subject to identity verification using a personal support code.
    4. The user independently disposes of the funds on the account balance using the functionality of the Service .
    5. In order to ensure a double level of security for their funds, the User has the right to use additional functionality of the Service , such as two-factor confirmation of authorization, withdrawal / first funds and other actions with the account.
    6. The Company has the right to impose penalties in relation to the User , restrict or prohibit the access of the User's account to use the functionality of the Service , if, for justified reasons, believes that the User has violated the terms of this Agreement .
  5. Limitation of Liability
    1. The user independently decides to register an account on the Site and is responsible for his actions and / or inaction when using the Service .
    2. When registering an account and / or changing personal data, the User is responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the information provided. In the event of a change in personal data, the User undertakes to update the information in the account in a timely manner.
    3. The user is responsible for publishing on the Internet and / or distributing in any other way knowingly false information that discredits the honor and dignity of the Company (libel). In the event of defamation, the Company has the right to restrict or prohibit the access of the User's account to the use of the functionality of the Service without prior warning.
    4. The company is responsible for the safety and confidentiality of all personal data of the User , except for the login. The User's login can be shown on the Site when using the Service by other Users .
    5. The Company and the User are not liable to each other for failure to fulfill the obligations of this Agreement , which was caused by force majeure, such as: the beginning of military or military operations, natural disasters, epidemics and other insurmountable circumstances.